
“How Not to Chaperon a Lady” Review

Hello Friends!

I know I have been away, September has been a complicated month for me. Thankfully I had books like the one I’m reviewing today that helped me out.This is one of my favorite subgenres in the Historical fiction genre: Regency romance. And it’s a book by one of my go-to authors.

How Not to Chaperon a Lady“, written by Virginia Heath, is a Historical Romance, in the Regency romance subgenre, the third book in The Talk of the Beau Monde series, published on 28th September 2021, by Mills & Boon.

I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, and Virginia Heath for the eCopy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

How Not to Chaperon a Lady Banner


How Not to Chaperon a Lady Banner

His childhood nemesis…is the woman he can’t resist!

Chaperoning Charity Brookes while she’s on a singing tour should be easy for Griffith Philpot—he’s spent his whole life sparring with her over her flighty ways! But as he discovers that she’s much more than the impetuous girl he thought he knew, a passion ignites between them… Sharing a steamy kiss leaves him torn – he’s supposed to be responsible for guarding her virtue!

Purchase Links: Amazon

About the Author

Virginia Heath Photo

When Virginia Heath was a little girl it took her ages to fall asleep, so she made up stories in her head to help pass the time while she was staring at the ceiling. As she got older, the stories became more complicated, sometimes taking weeks to get to the happy ending. Then one day, she decided to embrace the insomnia and start writing them down. Despite that, it still takes her forever to fall asleep.

Social Media Links: Facebook | Twitter

My Review

This is the third and final book in the series and we have yet another amazing novel full of romance, touch of humor and drama, and with an enemies to lovers troupe that I quite enjoy in historical romances.

As we follow Charity Brookes and Griffith Philpot, we go on a discovery of their personalities, background and dreams, and we also get to see all the sparks when they get together. They were different and yet it made so much sense seeing them together.

Charity is such a light character, one of those that makes me smile, that is brilliant and immediately captivated me, especially when she turns into a firecracker. Griff is much calmer, chivalrous, and a strong character that gave a balance to the interactions between him and Charity, making the chemistry fun to read.

Emotional, exciting and with a happy ending. “How Not to Chaperon a Lady” was fantastic and exactly what I need to read. Virginia Heath never disappoints me with her charming male characters and the connection I always feel for the female characters. This book wasn’t different, and having the enemies to lovers added the childhood connection was perfect.

Overall, I loved it and it was a good final book for the series.

Don’t forget to check out all the other bloggers that given their contribute in this Blog Tour, with their reviews, basic promo/spotlight posts, guest posts, extracts and Q&As.


For a chance to Win one of the 2 e-copies of How Not to Chaperon a Lady CLICK HERE.

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Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.



Blog Tour · Reviews

“Wild Blue Yonder” Review

Hello Friends!

Weekends have been beach days for me, that’s why I’m posting later in the night. The good thing about beach days is that I can read without any worries. And this book was one of those that I read during my relaxing days at the beach.

Wild Blue Yonder, written by M W Arnold, is a Historical novel, in the saga subgenre, the Second Book in The Air Transport Auxiliary Mystery Club series, published on 26th July 2021.

I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, and M W Arnold for the eCopy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Wild Blue Yonder Banner


Wild Blue Yonder Cover

Air Transport Auxiliary pilot Doris Winter is accused of stealing a valuable item from a famous Hollywood movie star, now a captain in the US Army Air Corps, after a dance at the air base in England where he’s stationed. Gathering her close friends together, she’s determined to clear her name.

Ruth’s POW son suffers a life-changing injury just as her own cottage takes damage in an air raid and Penny’s estranged little sister unexpectedly turns up, having run away from school. Together with the ongoing thefts of items of clothing and surprise personal revelations, these all threaten to hamper their investigation.

In spite of the worsening war situation, they must band together to rise above their troubles and prove love and friendship is worth fighting for.

Purchase Links – Amazon

About the Author

M W Arnold Author Photo

Mick is a hopeless romantic who was born in England and spent fifteen years roaming around the world in the pay of HM Queen Elizabeth II in the Royal Air Force before putting down roots and realizing how much he missed the travel. He’s replaced it somewhat with his writing, including reviewing books and supporting fellow saga and romance authors in promoting their novels.

He’s the proud keeper of two cats bent on world domination, is mad on the music of the Beach Boys, and enjoys the theatre and humoring his Manchester United-supporting wife. Finally, and most importantly, Mick is a full member of the Romantic Novelists Association. Wild Blue Yonder is the second novel in his Broken Wings series and he is very proud to be a part of the Vintage Rose Garden at The Wild Rose Press.

Social Media Links – Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

My Review

I had the chance of reading the previous book last year, so I was very excited to continue the journey with these characters in this fascinating setting. First of all, I suggest you read book one to get a fuller experience of this series and to understand better the characters’ life.

Yes, we still are following the lovely ladies of the ATA (Air Transport Auxiliary). We learn how their lives are at the moment and what adventures and obstacles will appear in their path.

I won’t give any spoilers, but I can say that there is drama and mystery, and a Hollywood connection. And of course we still have the friendship and the WWII setting that gives an atmosphere of going back in time.

Overall, it was a fantastic sequel and I’m still fascinated with the entire ATA element of the story. Plus, I loved going back to this story and feeling as if I was checking up on my old time friends.

Don’t forget to check out all the other bloggers that given their contribute in this Blog Tour, from reviews and very limited extracts and Q&As.

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.



Blog Tour · Reviews

“Someone Who Isn’t Me” Review

Hello Friends!

Tonight I bring you a review of a sequel of a book I previous read and review (you can find the review HERE).

Someone Who Isn’t Me“, written by Danuta Kot, is a Mystery novel, published on April 1st 2021 by Simon & Schuster UK.

I want to thank Zoé, at Zooloo’s Book Tours, and Danuta Kot for the eCopy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.



When everyone hides the truth, who do you turn to?

Becca’s had a hard time of it, but she has finally got her life together. She has a nice little flat, a steady job pulling pints, and she’s even seeing someone new: Andy, who keeps his private life to himself but is always good for a laugh. And then Andy vanishes. When his body turns up on isolated Sunk Island, Becca learns Andy wasn’t just another punter. He was a police officer, deep undercover, investigating a drugs ring that he believed operated out of Becca’s pub.

Staggered by the betrayal, Becca turns to the only person she thinks she can trust: her foster mum, Kay. But Kay has problems of her own. She’s just moved into a short-term let in the hopes of finding some peace and quiet. But peace and quiet are hard to come by on Sunk Island . . .

Before long, both women are drawn into a terrifying world of drugs, money and death.

The gripping new novel from Dagger-Award-winning author Danuta Kot, perfect for fans of Ann Cleeves, Tana French and Denise Mina – a story about the people we are… and the people we aren’t.

Purchase Links: Amazon

About the Author

Danuta Kot (who also writes as Danuta Reah and as Carla Banks) grew up with stories. Her Irish mother and her Polish father kept their own cultures alive with traditional tales they shared with their children. For many years, she worked with young people in Yorkshire who were growing up in the aftermath of sudden industrial decline. She uses this background in her books to explore some of the issues that confront modern, urban society: poverty, alienation and social breakdown, using the contexts of the modern crime novel. She now works as a senior education consultant, work that involves travel to establish education and training in other parts of the world. She is a regular academic speaker at conferences and literary festivals and has appeared on radio and television.

Social Media Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter

My Review

“Someone Who Isn’t Me” follows the characters we are introduced to in “Life Ruins”. We go back to a setting that felt real to me – a Portuguese woman that has only been to 4 countries outside her own (Spain, France, Germany and Switzerland) – as if I have been there and met the people an seen all the sights. And we are taken into a journey of mystery, drama, tension and uncovering the truth.

We follow Becca’s life again, and I loved that, but we also get to see the point of view of other characters, which made it possible for me to understand what was happening, coming up with theories (Who can resist doing that in a mystery/crime novel?), and understand the characters mind and their choices.

I’m not going to go into details because I’m always scared of revealing some important plot moments. Nevertheless, it was enjoyable, and it hit the right spots for me in terms of the story and with each page I was intrigued by the characters. Although I was on the fence about some of them, I still liked the way things went and the answers to my questions.

Overall, I was a good book filled with tension, danger, personal agendas, mysteries and character and relationship growth.

Don’t forget to check out all the other bloggers that given their contribute in this Blog Tour, with their reviews.

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.



Blog Tour · Reviews

“Life Ruins” Review

Hello Friends!

I love to get to know more authors in genres I’m still exploring, and mystery/crime is one of those genres. So I was very interested in this book.

I don’t know when it all started, but I remember being very young and watching crime shows with my parents. It’s a old memory, one that I thought it was fabricated, but that my mom has confirmed it’s true. She says I have always liked those kind of shows. Interesting enough, I never really read those kinds of books, but I have started reading them, since the past few years. You may be asking why I’m saying this, because of the genre of this novel.

Life Ruins“, written by Danuta Kot, is a Mystery novel, published on July 25th 2019 by Simon & Schuster UK.

I want to thank Zoé, at Zooloo’s Book Tours, and Danuta Kot for the eCopy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.


In a small northern town, girls are disappearing.

You won’t see it in the papers and the police aren’t taking any notice, but the clues are there if you know where to look.

Becca sees that something is wrong, but she’s been labelled ‘difficult’ thanks to her troubled past. So when a girl is so savagely beaten she can’t be identified, and Becca claims she knows who she is, no one will believe her.

With the police refusing to listen, Becca digs for evidence that will prove what she is saying. But her search for justice will put herself and those closest to her in danger – and once she finds the truth, will anyone even listen?

Purchase Links: Amazon

About the Author

Danuta Kot (who also writes as Danuta Reah and as Carla Banks) grew up with stories. Her Irish mother and her Polish father kept their own cultures alive with traditional tales they shared with their children. For many years, she worked with young people in Yorkshire who were growing up in the aftermath of sudden industrial decline. She uses this background in her books to explore some of the issues that confront modern, urban society: poverty, alienation and social breakdown, using the contexts of the modern crime novel. She now works as a senior education consultant, work that involves travel to establish education and training in other parts of the world. She is a regular academic speaker at conferences and literary festivals and has appeared on radio and television.

Social Media Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter

My Review

“Life Ruins” caught my attention immediately. From the genre to the first sentence in the synopsis: “In a small northern town, girls are disappearing.” We follow Becca in a journey to uncover the truth about the crime. Becca, her personality, her thoughts, her past… The relationships that developed between her and those around her… The way she was treated… I really connected with her the most.

It was a fantastic start, meeting the characters and the entire scenery and the community portrayed in this story. It definitely gave a good context and setting. The characters and their interactions were great and I could understand them and even be very curious to learn more about them.

I won’t reveal much about plot or the particular aspects of the story and the mystery, I can say that it was interesting to uncover information after information. It felt simple, but at the same time it felt just what I needed to read in the novel. Maybe it was because of the characters and how the story, for me, was connected with the characters, which I find important.

Overall, it was a great start and thankfully I had the sequel to read as soon as I finished this novel.

Don’t forget to check out all the other bloggers that given their contribute in this Blog Tour, with their reviews.

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.




“The Knight’s Maiden in Disguise” Review

Hello Friends!

And here I am with the second review of the night. Back to my beloved genre, historical romance.

The Knight’s Maiden in Disguise“, written by Ella Matthews, is a Historical Romance, a medieval romance novel, the first Book in The King’s Knights series, published on 1st September 2021 by Mills & Boon.

I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, and Ella Matthews for the eCopy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

The Knight’s Maiden in Disguise Banner


The Knight’s Maiden in Disguise Cover

Risking her life

To save a knight!

Disguising herself as her late twin brother keeps Avva Carpenter, and her family, safe. Until Sir William Devereux arrives in her town. As the castle’s stable master, Avva can’t avoid the knight—or the desire he instantly stirs in her. He’s everything she never knew a nobleman could be: honest, kind, brave. When danger surrounds them, the only way to help William is to reveal her true identity, but can she trust him enough?

Purchase Links – Amazon UK | Amazon US

Don’t forget to add the book to your list on Goodreads.

About the Author

Ella Matthews Author Photo

Ella Matthews lives and works in beautiful South Wales. When not thinking about handsome heroes she can be found walking along the coast with her husband and their two children (probably still thinking about heroes but at least pretending to be interested in everyone else).

Social Media Links – Twitter | Facebook | Website

My Review

Ella Matthews’s books have slowly become some of my favorites in the genre. Medieval romance isn’t a subgenre I was very familiar with and by following Ella Matthew’s novels, I found out I quite like them.

In this novel we start a new series, the King’s Knights series, and we follow Avva Carpenter and Sir William Devereux in this romance that has love, family, disguises, danger and trust. I loved Avva’s determination, and I love William’s honesty and kindness. I also love how they interacted, and how their relationship grow.

I love historicals, not just for the way they transport us back to a time and place we can never truly visit, each via fiction, but also for the way it makes me connect with the characters. I could understand Avva’s motives and I think I would do the same things she did. And I could also fall in love with William if he was real and appeared in my life. Plus, who doesn’t love the drama, the romance and the escapism this kind of book give us?

Overall, I don’t want to spoil anything, but I loved it. It was just what I needed. I always need these kinds of stories. And Ella Matthews gives the reader a good start to a series, and I can’t wait to see how she’s going to take the series to the next book.

Don’t forget to check out all the other bloggers that given their contribute in this Blog Tour, from reviews and very limited extracts and Q&As.

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.




“28 Days” Review

Hello Friends!

Today has been a crazy day since it was my aunt’s birthday, but I’m back and I bring you two reviews and another special post. To start, here is the first review of the night.

28 Days“, written by Sue Parritt, is a Speculative fiction novel, published on 21th May 2021.

I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, Sue Parritt for the eCopy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

28 Days Banner


28 Days Cover

Melbourne, February 2100. Emma Cartwright has 28 days left to find work, otherwise she must report to the Productive Citizens Bureau and accept any vacancy, regardless of location, pay or conditions.

Her situation becomes even more grave when the Employment Positions Portal is disabled and the government refuses to extend her unemployment period. At 70, Emma could opt for voluntary euthanasia, but she has her student son Jack to support.

After a chance meeting with the eccentric Cal Ritchie, founder of the clandestine group Citizens’ Voice and supporter of those fleeing repressive laws to live in bush camps, Emma is determined to escape her life of compliance.

When her son Jack is suddenly arrested, Emma finds herself running out of time and options, and has to take drastic measures. But can she save her son?

Purchase Links: Amazon UK | Amazon US | Amazon AU

About the Author

Sue Parritt Author Photo

Originally from England, and now living on the Mornington Peninsula, south-east of Melbourne, Sue worked in university libraries until taking early retirement in 2008 to concentrate on writing novels. Creative writing has been a passion since her teenage years, with short stories, poetry and articles published in magazines and anthologies in Australia, the US and the UK.  To date, Sue has written nine novels:

Sannah and the Pilgrim, first in a trilogy of a future dystopian Australia focusing on climate change and the harsh treatment of refugees from drowned Pacific islands. Odyssey Books, 2014. Commended in the FAW Christina Stead Award, 2014.

Pia and the Skyman. Along with Kaire, pilgrim and skyman, Sannah’s daughter, Pia continues her people’s fight for freedom. Odyssey Books, 2016. Commended in the FAW Christina Stead Award, 2016.

The Sky Lines Alliance: three groups join forces to overthrow the brutal Australian government. Odyssey Books, 2016.

Chrysalis, the story of a perceptive girl growing up in a Quaker family in Swinging Sixties’ Britain. Morning Star Press, 2017

Re-Navigation recounts a life turned upside down when Julia, aged 40, journeys from the sanctuary of middle-class Australian suburbia to undertake a retreat at a college located on an isolated Welsh island. Creativia Publishing, 2019.

Feed Thy Enemy, based on Sue’s father’s experiences, is an account of courage and compassion in the face of trauma as a British airman embarks on a plan that risks all to feed a starving, war-stricken Italian family. Creativia Publishing, 2019.

A Question of Country explores the migrant experience through the protagonist’s lifelong search for meaningful identity. Next Chapter, April 2020.

Sue’s current project, The Reluctant Doorkeeper Trilogy, set in Melbourne, 2100-2105, explores the problem of overpopulation and extended life expectancy in an increasingly climate-challenged world and the inhumane solutions adopted by a government determined to rid Australia of unproductive citizens.

Book 1, 28 Days, sees Emma, aged 70, emerge from a life of compliance to one of civil disobedience when the Employment Positions Portal is disabled during the final 28 days of her Government Allocated Unemployment Period.

Book 2, Next Step, follows Emma’s first year as a Trainee Doorkeeper, her role to assign appropriate positions to unemployed citizens, and her unofficial work for political change.

Book 3 will deal with a citizens’ revolution, as the population learn the truth about the role of Fully-Trained Doorkeepers.

Passionate about social justice, Sue’s goal as a fiction writer is to continue creating intrepid characters prepared to risk their lives to effect positive change in a troubled world. She intends to write for as long as possible, believing the extensive life experiences of older writers can be employed to engage readers of all ages.

Social Media Links: Website | Facebook

My Review

There are a lot of genres I haven’t explore a lot, and Speculative fiction is one of them. Yet, I gave it a shot, with no expectation except to try something different. I can say it really was. It was a fascinating story and I was mind blown by the world building.

“28 Days” had an amazing feel to it that I almost wish it was also a movie, it would be great visual story. And as we follow Emma Cartwright we are taken into a journey that not only left us thinking about the world and our future, but also the meaning of life, our roles in society, and the cultural and political changes that could happen.

It is a dystopian, and I don’t have enough experience with it to comment on it. What I can say is that it was an enjoyable story, that grabbed my attention, made me connect with the characters despite the difference between our world and theirs, and it made my mind work with all the thought provoking themes, the tone in the writing, the scenery, the cultural and social aspects and the drama and darkness in the plot.

Overall, this was the beginning of a series and it was quite a good start. I had no real idea what the book would be about, or how it would impact the reading experience, and it was brilliant. I hope I can get to read the next books, because I’m very curious to see where the story is going and I want some answers about certain characters.

Don’t forget to check out all the other bloggers that given their contribute in this Blog Tour, with their reviews and basic promo/spotlight posts.

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.



Blog Tour · Reviews

“The Mersey Angels” Review

Hello Friends!

I have been reading saga novels for God knows how long, maybe since last year, maybe since 2019, and the more I explore I am fascinated with the genre and the authors. Today I bring you a review of a saga novel.

The Mersey Angels“, written by Sheila Riley, is a Saga novel, the second book in the Liverpool Saga series, published on 10th August 2021 by Boldwood Books.

I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, Sheila Riley and Boldwood Books for the eCopy of this book, via NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

The Mersey Angels Banner


The Mersey Angels Cover


Following the death of her father, Ruby Swift, and husband Archie finally move back into Ashland Hall.

As the Great War rages, fathers and sons take the King’s Shilling and head off to fight the unknown enemy, not knowing what horrors lie ahead.

With Ned Kincaid in the Navy, Archie signs up to the volunteer constabulary and nurses Anna Cassidy and Ellie Harrington enlist to do their bit for King and Country.

Soon the true casualties of war are being brought home in droves, Ruby converts Ashland Hall into an auxiliary hospital for wounded servicemen.

It’s not long before the true cost of war is brought closer to home and Anna and Ellie enlist in the British Military Nursing Corp and soon find themselves in the battlefields of France in search of the truth.

But they soon discover more than they bargained for…

Purchase Links: Amazon UK | Amazon US

About the Author

Sheila Reiley Author Photo

Sheila Riley wrote four #1 bestselling novels under the pseudonym Annie Groves and is now writing a new saga trilogy for Boldwood under her own name. She has set it around the River Mersey and its docklands near to where she spent her early years. She still lives in Liverpool. Her new trilogy began with The Mersey Orphan in September 2019.

Social Media Links: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

My Review

Saga books, at least those that I have read, have this sense of community and family. Maybe because of the circumstances following the characters, with the wars and the dangers. Nevertheless, it’s something I love. In this book we follow a group of characters during the WWI.

As Ruby turns Ashland Hall into a hospital and Anna and Ellie follow their path as nurses right to France, a lot can be said for these angels. The characters touched my heart, their kindness, their role in the story… I could feel compassion for them. I worry for them and for their loved ones. That’s the power of stories like this one, even if they are fiction, they feel real, because the events are realistic and the Great War really existed.

Like I previously said, this is about family, about the way we are connected, the way war affects people’s life. It’s also about secrets, and there are a lot of them when it comes to our society. It’s about hardship and love and finding your path and strength. In the end, it may feel like a rollercoaster of emotions, but it gives me hope.

Overall, it was an amazing book. And even though it’s part of a series, I felt it could be read as a standalone. Although, it was a nice continuation of book one and I loved to be back to this group of characters. Sheila Riley did a brilliant job with the characters and with transporting us to their sides in this setting and time period. If this genre and setting is one you enjoy reading about, do give it a change.

Don’t forget to check out all the other bloggers that given their contribute in this Blog Tour, with their reviews.

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.




“Her Honourable Mercenary” Review

Hello Friends!

Here I am back to Historical Romances, with one of my favorite authors in the genre.

Her Honourable Mercenary“, written by Nicole Locke, is a Historical Romance, part of the Lovers and Legends series published on August 2021 by Mills&Boon Historical.

I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, and Nicole Locke for the eCopy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Her Honorable Mercenary Banner


Her Honorable Mercenary Cover

An innocent maiden

And a legendary warrior

When captured and held prisoner in an enemy castle, Margery of Lyon is guarded by brooding mercenary Evrart, who’s been commanded to watch her—day and night. Margery’s determination to escape brings her closer to Evrart and the kind heart hidden beneath his granite-hard body. Now Margery is torn… Fleeing under the portcullis will mean leaving behind the man she’s falling for…

Purchase Links: Amazon UK | Amazon US

About the Author

Nicole Locke Author Photo

Nicole discovered her first romance novel in a closet, where her grandmother, the godmother in the romance black market, was Nicole is the author of Harlequin/Mills and Boon Lovers and Legends Historical series. If she isn’t working on the next book, she can be reached at NicoleLocke.com, Facebook, and Twitter!

Social Media Links: Website | Goodreads | Pinterest | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

My Review

I have been reading Nicole Locke’s books for a while, and although I haven’t read the entire series, but I have read part of it. With each book, she takes us on amazing stories with characters that blow my mind. She is one of the authors that write my kind of comfort books.

In this book we follow Margery of Lyon and Evrart, two characters trapped in their current situation for different reasons. With compelling personalities and amazing background, these two well-developed main characters just got me to connect with them from moment I meat them. They weren’t perfect and that’s what I love, because no one really is and we can all relate in some sort of way.

In terms of plot, this is a Historical romance story. It has drama, love, obstacles, family, friends, manipulation, a historical setting… All of which grabbed my attention and got me excited for each chapter and ready to turn page after page, uncovering all the information hidden and falling in love with the characters.

Overall, it was yet another amazing book by Nicole Locke. Although it’s part of a series an it may have some connections between them, this book can definitely be read as a standalone.

Don’t forget to check out all the other bloggers that given their contribute in this Blog Tour, with their reviews, guest posts, extracts and Q&As.

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

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Bookish Life · Reviews

“The First Cut” Review

Hello Friends!

Here I am with a review of a crime novel. This one is a book is the opening to a new series by an author I come to know via her previous books..

The First Cut“, written by Val Penny, is a Crime (Police Procedural) novel, first book in the Jane Renwick Thriller Series, published on 8th August 2021 by Darkstroke.

I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, and Val Penny for the eCopy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

The First Cut Banner


The First Cut Cover

It’s hard to escape a brutal past…

A vicious serial killer is on the loose. Victims include an academic and notable members of Edinburgh’s high society. 

When Detective Sergeant Jane Renwick learns through DNA that a member of her family could be the killer, she is banished to the sidelines of the case and forced to look on impotently as the hunt for the killer ramps up. 

Frustrated, she decides to conduct her own investigations. 

Has someone from her estranged birth family returned to haunt her? And where will the killer strike next? 

It’s a race against time…

This fast-paced, gripping police procedural is set in Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland. It is the first in the new series of Scottish thrillers by bestselling crime writer, Val Penny.

Purchase Links: Amazon

About the Author

Val Penny Author Photo

Val Penny is an American author living in SW Scotland. She has two adult daughters of whom she is justly proud and lives with her husband and two cats. She has a Law degree from Edinburgh University and her MSc from Napier University. She has had many jobs including hairdresser, waitress, lawyer, banker, azalea farmer and lecturer. However she has not yet achieved either of her childhood dreams of being a ballerina or owning a candy store. Until those dreams come true, she has turned her hand to writing poetry, short stories and novels. Her crime novels, ‘Hunter’s Chase’ Hunter’s Revenge and Hunter’s Force are set in Edinburgh, Scotland, published by Crooked Cat Books. The fourth book in the series, Hunter’s Blood, follows shortly.

Social Media Links: Website | Facebook | Facebook Group | Twitter

My Review

Val Penny is an author I have come to know thank to her other crime novels. Yet this is a new series and this that comes a new side of Val Penny as a writer. Yes, there is still a lot of elements in her writing that are present her and I loved them all. There is also new possibilities and new characters that will allow me to see the author’s amazing abilities in this genre.

This book follows Jane, this is her series, and Jane isn’t like many other main female characters in crime novels. From her private life to her role as a detective. I love her and I know there is a lot more to uncover in upcoming novels.

Without revealing much of the plot and the mysteries in this story, for a first book in a series, it was what I expected and it was also more. It got me curious with the information being exposed, the way Jane acted and her thoughts, the crimes and the reasoning being it. It was an interesting start and it introduced various characters I want to know more about.

Overall, was not disappointed and I can’t for book two. If you are into crime novel, maybe you would like to check this story out. Or maybe this author.

Don’t forget to check out all the other bloggers that given their contribute in this Blog Tour, with their reviews, basic spotlight/promo posts and very limited extracts, guest post and Q&A.

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

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“Surprise Reunion with His Cinderella” Review

Hello Friends!

Here I am today, on a day that can be difficult, to talk about love. And that’s just perfect.

Surprise Reunion with His Cinderella“, written by Rachael Stewart, is a Contemporary Romance, the second book in Billion-Dollar Matches Series, published on 1st August 2021, by Harlequin Mills & Boon .

I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, and Rachael Stewart for the eCopy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Surprise Reunion with His Cinderella Banner


Surprise Reunion with His Cinderella Cover

Can one week in paradise…
…heal ten years of heartache?

When the elite M dating agency sends wealthy Freddie Highgrove to the Seychelles for a weeklong “date,” the last person he’s expecting to be matched with is Jasmine Walker, his first love and ex-fiancée! Ten years ago, his family’s expectations for a high-society marriage sent housekeeper’s daughter Jasmine running. Can one week in paradise bring them back together?

Purchase Links: Amazon

Author Content Warning: Loss of a parent.

About the Author

Rachael Stewart Author Photo

Rachael Stewart adores conjuring up stories for the readers of Harlequin Mills & Boon and Deep Desires Press, with tales varying from the heartwarmingly romantic to the wildly erotic.

She’s been writing since she could put pen to paper as the stacks of scrawled on A4 sheets in her loft will attest to, and the lovingly bound short stories that her father would run off at work and proudly share out with his colleagues. Thinking it was a pipe dream to be published one day, she pursued a sensible career in business but she was really play-acting, achieving the appropriate degree and spending many years in the corporate world where she never truly belonged. Always happiest when she was sat at her laptop in the quiet hours tapping out a story or two. And so here she is, a published author, her full-time pleasure, a dream come true.

A Welsh lass at heart, she now lives in Yorkshire with her husband and three children, and if she’s not glued to her laptop, she’s wrapped up in them or enjoying the great outdoors seeking out inspiration.

Social Media Links: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

My Review

Rachael Stewart is one of those authors that I always get excited to see what new book she has come up with. And since she writes romance, the possibilities are endless. This book is part of a series, which is so much exciting.

Freddie and Jasmine, two characters that have a past together. Because of that, this is a second change romance and I love that. I love that there is a history between them. It gave so many information and at the same time, questions.

Thanks to the scenery and the context the characters were put in by the elite M dating agency and the date, I was so in-to the story. I love how things developed and how the characters interacted. Although I didn’t know the setting, the Seychelles, and once I Googled it, I was amazed. I went to the story with a clearer image and interest. Rachael Stewart did a brilliant job with setting the scenes and the beautiful places described.

Overall, I love the story. It was just perfect. Maybe it was because of the second chance that both Freddie and Jasmine got. Maybe it was the beauty around them that made me dream. Maybe it was the plot, and how fun it was and how I felt like I was part of the story in some way. Maybe it was a combination of all of those things, added to the lovely writing tone that the author has, one that constantly catches my attention. Nevertheless, if you like romance and steamy moments, if you like second chances, if you like paradise on Earth… this is a book for you.


For a chance to win Prize bundle of 2 Rachael Stewart paperbacks plus assorted goodies Click Here.

(Open International)

Prize Contains:

  • Paperback of Tempted by the Tycoon’s Proposal
  • Paperback of Surprise Reunion with His Cinderella
  • Mills & Boon Notebook
  • Rose Gold Pen
  • Cute Placemat
  • Lip balm
  • Sweets
  • Heart post-its
  • Author Swag

*Terms and Conditions –Worldwide entries welcome.  Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below.  The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then I reserve the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over.  Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time I will delete the data.  I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.

Don’t forget to check out all the other bloggers that given their contribute in this Blog Tour, with their reviews or basic spotlight/promo posts.

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.

