Blog Tour · Historical Romance · New Releases · Reviews

“The Marquess Next Door” Review

Hello Friends!

Finally! The last review of the day and I’m back to one of my favorite subgenres in the Historical fiction genre: Regency romance. A book by one of my go-to authors.

The Marquess Next Door“, written by Virginia Heath, is a Historical Romance, in the Regency romance subgenre, the second book in The Talk of the Beau Monde series, published on 1st July 2021, by Mills & Boon.

I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, and Virginia Heath for the eCopy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

The Marquess Next Door Banner


The Marquess Next Door Cover

Temptation on her doorstep!

To avoid an unwanted suitor at a ball, Hope Brookes asks another gentleman to rescue her. He obliges – with a surprisingly passionate kiss! Revealed as her sinfully handsome new neighbour, Lucius, Marquess of Thundersley, they forge a friendship over their balconies. It’s refreshing that Lucius is more interested in her writer dreams than her looks, so why can’t she stop thinking about that kiss?

Purchase Links: Amazon | Kobo

About the Author

Virginia Heath Photo

When Virginia Heath was a little girl it took her ages to fall asleep, so she made up stories in her head to help pass the time while she was staring at the ceiling. As she got older, the stories became more complicated, sometimes taking weeks to get to the happy ending. Then one day, she decided to embrace the insomnia and start writing them down. Despite that, it still takes her forever to fall asleep.

Social Media Links: Facebook | Twitter

My Review

If you have ever read Virginia Heath’s books you expect many things. One is amazing and relatable characters. The other is sassiness. Maybe sassy is not the right word, but there is this powerful element with some smirk in the mix, if that makes any sense. It’s this quality of the characters that makes me want to be their friends and sometimes it makes me want to be them.

This story follows Hope, and our lovely female MC is not the typical character one may read in a Historical Romance. Hope is not nobility, although her family is important in the high society class. And I loved that, because I could relate to her even more. Then there is our handsome Marquess next door, Lucius, Marquess of Thundersley.

Every time I read Virginia Heath’s books I have that need to grab a fan and just join the moment and alleviate the heat going through my skin. I loved the steamy interactions between Hope and Lucius, and I loved even more that they not only had the attraction going, they also had a growing friendship.

Another thing I loved about this book was Lucius’ modesty and honesty. I loved how he acted. I loved the refreshing elements in this book that made it so different from others I have read by the author. And I actually believe that so far, this is my favorite book/story so far.

Overall, I don’t even know what else to say. There is drama, there is romance, there is family and friendship, there is a more common element of the society. And if you don’t know Virginia Heath after all the reviews I have done, you should stop and go get this book.

Don’t forget to check out all the other bloggers that given their contribute in this Blog Tour, with their reviews, basic promo/spotlight posts, guest posts, extracts and Q&As.


For a chance to Win one of the 2 e-copies of The Marquess Next Door CLICK HERE.

(Open Internationally)

*Terms and Conditions –Worldwide entries welcome.  Please enter using the Rafflecopter box below.  The winner will be selected at random via Rafflecopter from all valid entries and will be notified by Twitter and/or email. If no response is received within 7 days then Rachel’s Random Resources reserves the right to select an alternative winner. Open to all entrants aged 18 or over.  Any personal data given as part of the competition entry is used for this purpose only and will not be shared with third parties, with the exception of the winners’ information. This will passed to the giveaway organiser and used only for fulfilment of the prize, after which time Rachel’s Random Resources will delete the data.  I am not responsible for despatch or delivery of the prize.

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.



Blog Tour · Historical Romance · Reviews

“Hooverville” Review

Hello Friends!

Historical romances… historical romances! Today is the day for Historical romances. So get ready for a couple of reviews. This is the first one I’m posting. Hope it makes you curious.

Hooverville“, written by Kayla Joy, is a NA / Adult Historical Fiction/Romance, published on 1st July 2021.

I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, and Kayla Joy for the eCopy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Hooverville Banner


Hooverville Cover

Annaleise Winston can never seem to fit in with the Society Girls, the strict rules that govern them, or their selfish indulgence during the Great Depression. Behind closed doors, her publicly perfect new fiance, Frank Alexander, is violent and dismissive, but without his financial security, Annaleise and her mother will be on the streets with not a penny to their name.

When Annaleise finally has enough, she runs away and accidentally becomes stranded in a Hooverville, a lawless homeless encampment in Central Park, where she must keep her identity a secret if she wants to stay alive. But a kind shoe shiner named Thomas Kelley may get in the way of everything she thought she ever wanted. As their love for each other grows, the Great Depression worsens, and Frank will pay any price to bring back his bride.

Purchase Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK

Potential Trigger Warning: Hooverville contains a depiction of domestic violence.

About the Author

Kayla Joy Author Photo

Kayla Joy is an author and artist living in the Pacific Northwest with her family and her many animals. At 20, she has already self published two books: Morbid Tales from Behind the Mirror (available on Amazon now) and Hooverville. You can follow her journey at

Social Media Links: Website | Facebook | Instagram

My Review

Historical romances are always a good way to go on a journey through a time period and society that have a lot of difference things from our current reality, and yet there is similarities.

This story is set during the Great Depression, and compared to other subgenres, I haven’t read many books related to this particular era. And what I loved about this book was the fact that through Annaleise Winston we get to explore how society was back then. The differences between the classes, the poverty during the Great Depression. It made things fascinating, especially because it got me thinking about today’s reality and the circumstances of live and work.

I also loved that there is development of the characters, and Annaleise finds love while going on this journey and running away from her violent fiance. The interactions between the characters are different and they help, not only to understand the dynamics of the society, but also the views of these characters. It all just added to my moment of thinking deeply.

Overall, it was amazing. I can’t stop saying the word “different”, but it was. It had drama, romance and society elements, but it also had this darkness and sadness. History is not always happy. History is dark, and although the romance and the friendships in this book gave a good balance, there was still a lot of darkness and sadness related to the trust and facts about that time period. I did enjoyed all those elements.

Don’t forget to check out all the other bloggers that given their contribute in this Blog Tour, with their reviews, Q&As and limited extracts and guest posts​.

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.



Contemporary Romance

Promo Post: “Stranded at the Sandbar”, by Jess Mastorakos

Hello Friends!

Today I bring you a promo post of a romance novel, one that is a military romance. Since I’m from Portugal, it’s quite interesting to see and read these kinds of book in this subgenre. I don’t know if they are realistic or not, so I go in for the romance and the excitement that may exist.

This book and the previous ones in the series are now one my TBR list for the future. And if you like these kinds of books, and this one intrigues you, go for it, and later on let me know your thoughts.

Stranded at the Sandbar“, written by Jess Mastorakos, is a romance novel, in the military romance subgenre, the third book of the Kailua Marines Series, published on ‎ June 30, 2021.


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People dream of being stranded in paradise… until it happens for real.

You know those dumb quizzes on social media that tell you to pick the one person you wouldn’t mind being stuck on a deserted island with? Well, a few months ago, I would have said Kate, hands down. Easy day. We had a great thing going, and I even thought she was the one. Until she ghosted me.

Now she’s back and wants to make amends. She had a reason for what she did, even if it hurt, so against my better judgment I invited her to go fishing on my boat. I definitely didn’t plan for what happened next. And the fierce need inside me to protect her at all costs? That surprised me too.

Now we’re stuck together. And even though there’s a chance that this girl is the one for me, I just can’t shake what happened last time. Not with a deployment looming. What happens if history repeats itself and I’m not here to stop it?

But first we need to get through this whole being stranded thing. And then after we’re rescued, we’ll deal with the rest. Because there’s no time for romance when you’re busy trying to survive, right?

Stranded at the Sandbar is book three in this sweet military romance series and is told in both points of view in first person. Each book can be read as a standalone but are fun to read in order!

Purchase Links: Amazon

About the Author

Jess Mastorakos

Jess Mastorakos writes clean military romance books that feature heroes with heart and the strong women they love. She is a proud Marine wife and mama of four. The happy family is currently stationed in Hawaii. She loves her coffee in a glitter tumbler and planning with an erasable pen.

Social Media Links: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Goodreads

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.



Historical Romance

Promo Post: “Lost Love’s Return” by Alfred Nicols

Hello Friends!

Ready for a promo post? This book is now out and I will have the review posted this week so stay tune for that. Meanwhile, maybe you will be curious just by the synopsis, like I was.

Lost Love’s Return“ written by Alfred Nicols, is a Historical Romance, published June 8th 2021 by Books Fluent.

Happy Publication Day!



When Elizabeth, a young English nurse, falls in love with one of her American patients, her whole world changes. When Peter, the American soldier, is suddenly shipped home to the U.S. at the end of WWI, he does his best to alert Elizabeth to what’s happening but fails, leaving her with no idea where he is and no way to contact him — now oceans away.

For 27 years, Peter yearns for Elizabeth, regretting the actions that led him into a long-drawn-out loveless marriage. But now, with the help of his son, he locates the only woman he’s ever loved. The question is, will she give him a second chance?

Purchase Links: Amazon

Author Bio

Alfred Nicols

ALFRED NICOLS received undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Mississippi. Following military service, he had a career as a lawyer, a state trial judge, and a federal judge.

He and his wife Mary live on rural acreage in Mississippi, where their two sons have second homes. “Lost Love’s Return” and its 18 point reader guide were written to leave his children and grandchildren, maybe others, insight into issues in life and the value of family ties, even to imperfect people.

Social Media Links: Goodreads

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.



New Releases

Lançamento do livro “Sete Boas Hitórias Para Dar A Volta À Cabeça”, de Ana Cláudia Dâmaso

Olá amigos!

Hoje venho partilhar convosco sobre o lançamento de um livro pelo qual tenho estado ansiosamente à espera.

Sete Boas Histórias para Dar a Volta à Cabeça“, escrito por Ana Cláudia Dâmaso, é um livro de contos, o segundo da série Boas e Más Histórias, que será publicado dia 19 de Abril de 2021 pela Editora Cordel d’Prata.

O lançamento será realizado canal de Youtube da Ana Cláudia Dâmaso e poderão assistir através deste link: Live do Lançamento.

Já se encontram disponíveis exemplares para compra. Para tal basta contactarem a autora, acedendo às suas redes sociais e envia-lhe mensagem directa para garantir já o vosso exemplar autografado e com um marcador especial de lançamento.

*portes incluídos nos preços apresentados


Os jogos psicológicos surgem numa nova vertente neste segundo livro de contos de terror e paranormal de Ana Cláudia Dâmaso, desta vez passado em terras africanas.

Quão longe pode ir uma mãe desgostosa? Quanta esperança pode ter uma mulher atraiçoada? Por quanto tempo consegue Nora ignorar as lendas e mitos contados ao calar da noite?

Entre fantasmas, bruxas, anjos, caçadores e até Deus, quem realmente decidirá o Destino da Humanidade?

São sete histórias diferentes com elos tão fortes quanto a escuridão nocturna, onde os piores e mais inconscientes pesadelos tornam-se realidade.

Terás coragem para os enfrentar?

Sobre a Autora

Ana Cláudia Dâmaso

Ana Cláudia Dâmaso nasceu em Lisboa, no ano de 1992.

Sempre possuiu uma mente criativa e, desde muito nova, sentiu a necessidade de colocar as suas ideias no papel.

Considerando-se uma amante de artes e desporto, aventureira e ávida por informação, Ana Cláudia encontra inspiração nos pequenos pormenores da vida quotidiana, da qual gosta de quebrar as suas rotinas.

Autora da saga distópica “Koldbrann”, da colecção de terror e paranormal “Boas e Más Histórias” e outros títulos de diferentes géneros literários, adora viajar e conhecer novos lugares, tendo por tradição acabar as suas obras sempre em locais diferentes.

Social Media Links: Instagram | Goodreads | Facebook | Youtube | TikTok | Twitter

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.



Fantasy · New Releases

Promo Post: “Enchanted Kingdoms”

Hello Friends!

Welcome to a world of magic, adventure, striking princes, daring princesses, happily ever afters, and once upon a times.

Today I bring you a promo post for a special cause.

Enchanted Kingdoms“, a fantasy anthology, published 23rd February 2021 by Enchanted Quill Press.


Old tales: New twist

The stories you loved as a child have been twisted into wildly addictive tales that will bewitch you as an adult: enchanted castles, spellbinding magic, handsome princes, beautiful princesses, and as many happily-ever-afters as your heart desires.

Cherish this mesmerizing set of 20+ classic tales retold by a collection of best-selling and award-winning authors. Each novel-length story features a different take on your favorite fairytale.

Your every fantasy will come to life in ways you could never have imagined, packed full of heart-wrenching romance, gripping adventure, and magic that will weave you in its spell.

Scroll up and one-click now to grab this limited edition set before the clock strikes midnight!

Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

For only $0.99 for a limited time, you can embrace the fairytales on any device you prefer AND help Puzzle Peace United, a children’s charity for autism. 100% of profits are donated, and 100% of fairytale fun is yours to claim.

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.



Blog Tour · Contemporary Romance · Reviews

“Second Chance in Chianti” Review

Hello Friends!

It’s time for some cozy time with a romance novel. And I have a review of a book in that genre that may interest you.

Second Chance in Chianti“, written by T.A. Williams, is a Romance novel, published 22nd February 2021 by Canelo.

Happy Release day!

I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, and T.A. Williams and Canelo for the eCopy of this book, via NetGalley, and for allowing me to join in the fun and being a part of the blog tour with my honest review of the book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Second Chances in Chianti Banner


Second Chances in Chianti Cover

Alice thought her future was set in stone, until her past came knocking…

Alice Butler starred in a successful US sitcom until tensions in the cast and crew caused the show to be cancelled. Now, five years later and working towards her dream job in art history, she’s called back for a revival of the show. It can only end in disaster, surely?

Flown to a villa in Chianti to meet with the rest of the cast, Alice must decide where her future lies – with her boyfriend, David, who laps up the Hollywood company, or with the mysterious Matt, who shies away from public attention?

Purchase Links: Amazon | Kobo | Barnes & Noble

About the Author

TA Williams Author Photo

I’m a man. And a pretty old man as well. I did languages at university a long time ago and then lived and worked in France and Switzerland before going to Italy for seven years as a teacher of English. My Italian wife and I then came back to the UK with our little daughter (now long-since grown up) where I ran a big English language school for many years. We now live in a sleepy little village in Devonshire. I’ve been writing almost all my life but it was only seven years ago that I finally managed to find a publisher who liked my work enough to offer me my first contract.

​The fact that I am now writing romantic comedy is something I still find hard to explain. My early books were thrillers and historical novels. Maybe it’s because there are so many horrible things happening in the world today that I feel I need to do my best to provide something to cheer my readers up. My books provide escapism to some gorgeous locations and, as a writer, I obviously have to go there in person and check them out first. I love my job…

T.A. Williams

Social Media Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

My Review

T.A. Williams is amazing. All the books I have read so far written by this author have given my heart the much needed crave for traveling and the amazing descriptions help me dream of wonderful places. In this book we go to Chianti. Vineyard… Villa… Small town fell… Can I go there right now? Well, at least going on a literary trip to Chianti is safer.

I’m usually very picky on my romance when I see that the MC has more than one potential love interest, but with T.A.’s books I just don’t care, and I jump to the opportunity of reading it. In this story, the plus side was Alice. I quite like her, and she was made the journey so interesting. I was kind of interested to see where she would go, what she would pick… and yes… WHO she would pick was also something I was curious to know.

The book really touched my heart for various reason. Not just because of the setting and the descriptions… Not just because of the Art and the History, which I very much appreciated… It was also because of the dilemma Alice had in her hands. The story felt real because I could see Alice and her problems, doubts and situations, and I could understand them.

Overall, I loved it. It was an easy read but one that also made me think at some moments. It has a light feeling thanks to the romance and the interactions between characters. It was also a book that take us to another place, which we very much need now considering the circumstances.

Don’t forget to check out all the other bloggers that given their contribute in this Blog Tour, with their reviews.

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.



Blog Tour · Contemporary Romance

Excerpt: “Lord of London Town”, by Tillie Cole

Hello Friends!

Today I bring you a promo post with and excerpt. You probably remember my promo post last week, and that one also had an excerpt. I still need to share my review, but I want to do something special.

Enjoy this excerpt and if you haven’t read the book, I highly recommend it.

Lord of London Town“, written by Tillie Cole, is a Dark Contemporary Romance, published 13th October 2020.


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Cheska Harlow-Wright was born into a life of luxury and privilege. She has never wanted for anything. A comfortable future as a married London socialite awaits her. But since the age of thirteen, Cheska has harboured a secret—an unshakeable fixation on a boy who could never offer her anything close to comfort. A boy steeped in sin and draped in depravity. A boy born into the possessive embrace of darkness.

When Cheska’s seemingly perfect world is ripped apart by an unknown but deadly enemy, there’s only one person she can run to. One person in the world who has the power to keep her safe. The one person her weak and shattered heart craves.

Arthur Adley. The new head of the most feared crime family in London.

Forced too young to take the helm of the Adley firm, Arthur has become even more ruthless, formidable, and cold than ever before. His enemies are circling, and he must fight—and kill—to maintain his family’s place at the top of the London crime underworld. There is no room for weakness, emotion, or loss of control.

But then Cheska smashes back into his life with the force of a wrecking ball. She has no place in this dark, vicious, and bloodthirsty world. And worse, she is the solitary chink in his impenetrable armour. He’s already pushed her away once, but this time she desperately needs him. She’s broken, lost, and in danger, and he is the only one who can help.

Arthur must protect her. He must destroy those who dare to threaten her, hunt down those who would take what is his. He would raze all of London to the ground to keep her safe… but can he also protect himself?

The infamous Dark Lord of London Town faces his most brutal battle yet—the crippling weight of the past, the unrelenting enemies lurking in the shadows… and the havoc that Cheska’s presence is wreaking on the granite fortress that was once his heart.

Dark contemporary Romance. Contains sexual situations, violence and sensitive subjects that some may find triggering.

Purchase Links: Amazon | Kobo

About the author

Tillie Cole

Tillie Cole hails from a small town in the North-East of England. She grew up on a farm with her English mother, Scottish father and older sister and a multitude of rescue animals. As soon as she could, Tillie left her rural roots for the bright lights of the big city.

After graduating from Newcastle University with a BA Hons in Religious Studies, Tillie followed her Professional Rugby player husband around the world for a decade, becoming a teacher in between and thoroughly enjoyed teaching High School students Social Studies before putting pen to paper, and finishing her first novel.

Tillie has now settled in Austin, Texas, where she is finally able to sit down and write, throwing herself into fantasy worlds and the fabulous minds of her characters.

Tillie is both an independent and traditionally published author, and writes many genres including: Contemporary Romance, Dark Romance, Young Adult and New Adult novels.

When she is not writing, Tillie enjoys nothing more than curling up on her couch watching movies, drinking far too much coffee, while convincing herself that she really doesn’t need that extra square of chocolate.

Social Media Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon



“If you stare at that bloody yacht any more, you’ll burn a hole in its side.” I looked from Arthur’s yacht to Arabella. She was lying on her lounger on the sun deck, head tilted back, her SPF-drenched dark skin shimmering under the blistering Marbella sun.

I took a sip of my mojito, letting the mint and lime cool me down. I saw a few of Arthur’s friends on the deck. But he wasn’t there. I hadn’t seen him since the night in the club. Not long after Ollie Lawson and his friends came, Arthur and his boys had disappeared. I had no idea where to. But they hadn’t come back.

My cheeks blazed when I thought back to him looking at me right in the eyes as he fingered the girl on his lap. As her eyes rolled back and she moaned out loud as her orgasm barrelled through her.

A hand waved in front of my face, pulling me back from the other night. From Arthur … his dark hair, blue eyes and black-rimmed glasses that just did something to me. I couldn’t read him. He was as impenetrable as Fort Knox. Even when his gaze had been locked on mine, I couldn’t get a bloody read on him. He gave nothing away. It was as if he was soulless. As if he lacked any basic emotion.




The hand before my face moved faster. When I shook my head, withdrawing myself from thoughts of Arthur and those eyes that were as unbreakable as a bank safe, it was to see Freya. She smiled, but I could see a tinge of worry in her dark eyes.

She studied me, then put her palm on my forehead as if checking my temperature. I moved her hand away. “Frey,” I said, sighing. “I’m fine.”

“Just checking you haven’t got a fever or anything. Or heat exhaustion.” She took a sip of her Chardonnay. Her purple bikini somehow made her Irish features look more pronounced, and made her curves look like something out of a Renaissance painting.

“I’m completely well.”

Arabella sat up and moved her Gucci sunglasses from her espresso eyes. Her curls framed her beautiful face. “You do know that yacht belongs to Alfie Adley, don’t you?” Her lips were pursed with worry. “That guy you keep staring at is Arthur Adley. The Arthur Adley, heir to the Adley firm and their empire of death and destruction.”

“I know who he is. I have done since we met at thirteen, remember?”

“Yeah, we remember,” Freya said. “But do you? Alfie Adley was there to cash in on a debt your father owed. He wasn’t there for a night of drinks and billiards.”

“I know that,” I snapped. Freya and Arabella glanced at each other as though I’d lost my bloody mind. Maybe I had. All I knew was that, over the years, Arthur had become an obsession of mine. And now he was here. In the flesh. Docked next to us. Looking my way with that steely gaze that seemed to make my knees weak and my mind lose all of its senses.

“Daddy made a mistake. He explained it all to me. He made a bad investment.” I shrugged. “He sorted it and hasn’t had dealings with the Adleys again since.”

“Yet, here you are, wanting to fuck Arthur every which way to Sunday.” Arabella raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for my response.

The sound of raucous laughter came from the Adley yacht, and I glanced over. Just then, Arthur walked out onto the deck, a large gin glass in his hand. He seemed more often than not to be drinking gin, I’d noticed. It must have been his drink of choice—straight, with ice, no mixer. He was shirtless, wearing navy-blue shorts, his black-rimmed glasses firmly in place.

Christ, he was perfection. His skin was slightly kissed by the sun, and his dark hair looked like onyx under the midday sun’s rays.

As if feeling my stare, he looked over, his eyes landing straight on mine. His cousin, Charlie, followed his gaze, his eyes narrowing on me as if I were a problem he wanted to solve. My breathing came faster as Arthur didn’t look away from me. Not even when Freddie Williams stood beside him and started talking in his ear.

“Seriously, Cheska,” Freya said, and I reluctantly looked at my best friend. “Go fuck your boyfriend or something. Get any thought of Arthur Adley from your head.”

Arabella laughed. “Can you imagine taking him home to your daddy? He’d have a damn heart attack.”

“Maybe Arthur isn’t as bad as you think,” I said. “They’re East End gangsters,” Freya said. “They’re murderers! We’ve all heard the rumours.”

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.



Contemporary Romance · New Releases

Promo Post & Excerpt: “Lord of London Town”, by Tillie Cole

Hello Friends!

Today I bring you a lovely post about a book I recently read. It’s not the review yet I have that planned for this week. Today is the celebration of the Release and I bring you an Excerpt to tempt you.

Lord of London Town“, written by Tillie Cole, is a Dark Contemporary Romance, published 13th October 2020.


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Cheska Harlow-Wright was born into a life of luxury and privilege. She has never wanted for anything. A comfortable future as a married London socialite awaits her. But since the age of thirteen, Cheska has harboured a secret—an unshakeable fixation on a boy who could never offer her anything close to comfort. A boy steeped in sin and draped in depravity. A boy born into the possessive embrace of darkness.

When Cheska’s seemingly perfect world is ripped apart by an unknown but deadly enemy, there’s only one person she can run to. One person in the world who has the power to keep her safe. The one person her weak and shattered heart craves.

Arthur Adley. The new head of the most feared crime family in London.

Forced too young to take the helm of the Adley firm, Arthur has become even more ruthless, formidable, and cold than ever before. His enemies are circling, and he must fight—and kill—to maintain his family’s place at the top of the London crime underworld. There is no room for weakness, emotion, or loss of control.

But then Cheska smashes back into his life with the force of a wrecking ball. She has no place in this dark, vicious, and bloodthirsty world. And worse, she is the solitary chink in his impenetrable armour. He’s already pushed her away once, but this time she desperately needs him. She’s broken, lost, and in danger, and he is the only one who can help.

Arthur must protect her. He must destroy those who dare to threaten her, hunt down those who would take what is his. He would raze all of London to the ground to keep her safe… but can he also protect himself?

The infamous Dark Lord of London Town faces his most brutal battle yet—the crippling weight of the past, the unrelenting enemies lurking in the shadows… and the havoc that Cheska’s presence is wreaking on the granite fortress that was once his heart.

Dark contemporary Romance. Contains sexual situations, violence and sensitive subjects that some may find triggering.

Purchase Links: Amazon | Kobo

About the author

Tillie Cole

Tillie Cole hails from a small town in the North-East of England. She grew up on a farm with her English mother, Scottish father and older sister and a multitude of rescue animals. As soon as she could, Tillie left her rural roots for the bright lights of the big city.

After graduating from Newcastle University with a BA Hons in Religious Studies, Tillie followed her Professional Rugby player husband around the world for a decade, becoming a teacher in between and thoroughly enjoyed teaching High School students Social Studies before putting pen to paper, and finishing her first novel.

Tillie has now settled in Austin, Texas, where she is finally able to sit down and write, throwing herself into fantasy worlds and the fabulous minds of her characters.

Tillie is both an independent and traditionally published author, and writes many genres including: Contemporary Romance, Dark Romance, Young Adult and New Adult novels.

When she is not writing, Tillie enjoys nothing more than curling up on her couch watching movies, drinking far too much coffee, while convincing herself that she really doesn’t need that extra square of chocolate.

Social Media Links: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon



I pushed my glasses up my nose and climbed the stairs. The heat of the Spanish sun slammed into me like an iron fist, and I pushed my dark hair back from my forehead. White Mediterranean buildings surrounded us, and tourists sat in restaurants and bars, gaping up at our yacht.

I joined my friends on the rear deck overlooking the restaurants and took a beer from Eric. He spread his arms. “Fucking paradise, boys.” I took a swig of my beer and glanced over to the yacht beside us. I didn’t see anyone on the back deck, but then I heard the people talking at the front of their boat, overlooking the sea.

“So, where are these spectacular views?” Charlie asked Eric, lighting up another cig.

Eric winced as he met my cousin’s waiting gaze. “Well, maybe not spectacular to you, Chuck, but definitely to the rest of us.” He flicked his eyes to Vinnie, who was circling the back deck like it was a track, and screwed up his nose. “Okay, maybe not to our resident nutjob either since he already has a bird. But to me, Freddie and Artie, what a view it is!”

“Story of my fucking life.” Charlie smirked at me. I followed Eric as he headed for the main sun deck at the very front of the yacht.

“The edge gone yet?” I asked Vinnie. He nodded, and I could see by his eyes that his medication had kicked in. His pupils had dilated a bit, and the shaking in his hands had lessened. “Getting calmer by the second, Artie. Getting calmer by the second.” He smiled again, his deep dimples making him look a fuck-ton more innocent than he actually was. I put my hand on his shoulder, right over the face of Nosferatu with his sharp vampiric teeth that was tattooed there.

“So, who are we docked next to?” Freddie asked Eric. Freddie was six feet two with dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was slender in build but could fight like a fucking Rottweiler. His old man died a while back, for the firm, shot right through the fucking forehead by a Russian. My dad practically adopted Freddie after that. He’d lived with us in the old church for the past couple of years. He was quiet before his old man’s death. Now, compared to the rest of my gobshite mates, he was almost mute.

“Wait until you see,” Eric said, waggling his eyebrows. Eric was six four, blond and covered in bright-as-fuck horror-themed clown tattoos. His hair looked like something straight from World War Two—combed over like a good little British solider. Claimed birds got wet for it—we all knew that was mainly referring to Betsy, my cousin and Charlie’s little sister. But neither he or Betsy ever talked about that. He also rarely shut his mouth. But that didn’t matter when shit hit the fan. He had your back, one hundred percent without question.

As we turned the corner, I saw movement on the yacht beside us. Birds in bikinis, some topless. I couldn’t care less. Seen one pair of tits, you’d seen them all. Bored already, I lit another cig and moved to the front of the yacht. I looked out over the ocean.

“Nice tits, sweetheart!” I heard Eric shout behind me. I glanced over to the yacht beside us and saw two girls sunbathing, looking our way—one with dark skin and jet-black hair that fell in spiral curls to her shoulders, and one with light freckled skin and red hair down to her waist.

I went to turn my head again, when someone walked out from below deck and toward the two sunbathers. The hand holding my cig stopped en route to my mouth when I saw her long legs and olive skin. The dark hair that was pulled up on top of her head. She was wearing a white bikini, fucking curves like an hourglass.

As if she was feeling my stare, she looked over, and the minute she did, I recognised those eyes. Those big fucking eyes that were fixed on me and widening by the second. Green-brown eyes that I never fucking forgot…

Cheska Harlow-Wright…

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.



Blog Tour · Historical Romance · New Releases · Reviews

“A Widow’s Vow” Review

Hello Friends!

Are you guys ready for a new review? Historical romance here we go!

A Widow’s Vow“, written by Rachel Brimble, is a Historical Romance, the first in a brand new series, published on 10th September 2020, by Aria Fiction.

I want to thank Rachel, at Rachel’s Random Resources, Rachel Brimble for the eCopy of this book. Thank you for allowing me to join in the fun and being a part of the blog tour with my honest review of the book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.


A Widow’s Vow Cover

From grieving widow…

1851. After her merchant husband saved her from a life of prostitution, Louisa Hill was briefly happy as a housewife in Bristol. But then a constable arrives at her door. Her husband has been found hanged in a Bath hotel room, a note and a key to a property in Bath the only things she has left of him. And now the debt collectors will come calling.

To a new life as a madam.

Forced to leave everything she knows behind, Louisa finds more painful betrayals waiting for her in the house in Bath. Left with no means of income, Louisa knows she has nothing to turn to but her old way of life. But this time, she’ll do it on her own terms – by turning her home into a brothel for upper class gentleman. And she’s determined to spare the girls she saves from the street the horrors she endured in the past.

Enlisting the help of Jacob Jackson, a quiet but feared boxer, to watch over the house, Louisa is about to embark on a life she never envisaged. Can she find the courage to forge this new path? 

A Widow’s Vow is the first in a gripping and gritty new Victorian saga series from Rachel Brimble. You won’t be able to put it down.

Purchase Links: Amazon UK | Amazon US

About the Author

Rachel Brimble Author Photo

Rachel lives with her husband and their two daughters in a small town near Bath, England. She is the author of over 20 published novels including the Pennington’s department store series (Aria Fiction) and the Templeton Cove Stories (Harlequin).

Her next project is a Victorian trilogy set in a Bath brothel which she recently signed with Aria Fiction. The series will feature three heroines determined to change their lives and those of other women. The first book. A Widow’s Vow is due for release in September and available for Amazon preorder now.

Rachel is a member of the Romantic Novelists Association and has thousands of social media followers all over the world.

To sign up for her newsletter (a guaranteed giveaway every month!), click here.

Social Media Links: Website | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Goodreads

My Review

Do I love Historical Romances? You guys know I do. This isn’t my first Rachel Brimble’s novel, and I was very excited to read this book, since it’s the start of a new series.

A Victorian saga… “A Widow’s Vow” follows Louisa Hill and Jacob Jackson in an unique story. I was quite surprised when I read the synopsis and I loved the plot once I read the story. It’s not a story we would expect, and Rachel Brimble did a brilliant job in creating a setting and storyline that allowed us to connect to the characters.

Louisa is amazing. I loved her determination and kindness. Jacob… I was quite fascinated by him and by his personality. They both have a past that is full of hardship and ugliness, still fate has a different path for them. Reading their interactions and the way their relationship developed was lovely.

Then there are all the other characters that gave the plot and the MC strength. Nancy was a character also love. Her and Louisa’s friendship made me so happy. But honestly, I can’t wait to read the next books and see how Nancy’s story is going to unfold, and I really want to learn more the other character and their pasts, lives and dreams.

Overall, it was a perfect start of a series. An unique story about the struggles in life, as well as the determination we must have to accomplish our goals. A Romance that made my heart warm up. Characters that I could connect with and that made me want to get to know them more with each page. A book that has dark and light, because that’s life.

Don’t forget to check out all the other bloggers that given their contribute in this Blog Tour, from reviews to basic promo/spotlight posts.

Don’t forget to comment, don’t be stranger. If you have any book recommendation you can leave a message using the form on my Contact Me page.

If you are an author or publisher and want me to do a review of a book please check out my Request Review page to learn more about the reviewing policies.

I always welcome new books to add to my list and I’m always excited to do reviews and read books. And I’m open to debate and exchange opinions, so let’s talk.

Also, if you would like to join me as a guest on my blog, check out the Guests Post page to know more and contact me so we can start planing your visit.

